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​2025                           All that is Solid: The Animate OPEN 2024 (upcoming)

                                       QUAD, Derby, UK

2024                           Dreamy Palace Festival

                                       Brighton, UK

2023                           Digerati Emergent Media Festival

                                       Denver, CO, USA

                                Squeaky Wheel Animation Festival

                                       Buffalo, NY, USA 

                                Ridgewood Off-Kilter Film Festival

                                       Brooklyn, NY, USA

2019                            Freesale curated by Lyndsy Welgos and Avena Gallagher

                                       22 East Broadway, New York City, NY, USA

                                 20/92 Video Festival

                                       Icebox Project Space, Crane Arts Philadelphia, PA, USA

2018                            Supernova Digital Motion Art Festival (Invitational Program)

                                       Denver, CO, USA

2017                            SOMETHING VERY FOOLISH curated by Danny Floyd* 

                                       Hairpin Arts Center, Chicago, IL, USA

                                 Allegorical Ghosts Screening

                                       London Fields Brewery, London, UK

                                 Denver International Film Festival

                                       Denver, CO, USA

                                 Stars of SUPERNOVA NXT STG Exhibition

                                       Denver, CO, USA

                                 Supernova Digital Motion Art Festival

                                       Denver, CO, USA

                                 OPEN 2.0 - Slate Arts and Performance

                                       Chicago, IL, USA

                                 MFA Film, Video, New Media, Animation, Sound Festival

                                       Gene Siskel Film Center, Chicago, IL, USA

                                 2nd Floor Rear 2017: Ritual

                                       Hairpin Arts Center, Chicago, IL, USA


                                       Latitude, Chicago, IL, USA

2016                            Video Show

                                       WALM Gallery, Philadelphia, PA, USA

                                 STRAWBERRY~* MILKSHAKES/2/{LO-CAL EDITION}

                                       The Archer Beach Haus, Chicago, IL, USA

                                 First Year SAIC MFA Students

                                       Nightingale, Chicago, IL, USA

                                 Output: SAIC 1st Year MFA Screening

                                       Comfort Station, Chicago, IL, USA

2015                             BFA Thesis Exhibition: The Golden Whipping Boy

                                       Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, PA, USA



2019                            Curyatid

                                       Forty Five Ten, Hudson Yards, New York City, NY, USA

2018                            Supernova Digital Motion Art Festival (Invitational Program)

                                       Denver, CO, USA


2025           Creative Capital Award - Shortlisted

2023           Denver Digerati Emergent Media Festival - Digital Dialect: First Place

2021            CRNY Guaranteed Income

2019            Curyatid, Cultural Counsel Video Grant

2017            Supernova Honorable Mention

2015            Edith Weil Hecht Memorial Award in Sculpture


2021   "RX Studio: E. Jane," Topical Cream

2019   "RX Studio: Vanessa Gully Santiago," Topical Cream

2018   “Trap Door, On the Contradictions of Trans Visibility,” Topical Cream

        “The Chamber Series,” Topical Cream

        “Hito Steyerl ‘Bubble Vision: Aesthetics of Isolation’ @ Yale,” Topical Cream

        “I Need Help, Hannah Black & Precious Okoyomon @ Real Fine Arts,” Topical Cream

        “Women’s History Museum @ Gavin Brown,” Topical Cream



2024                           "CLOSE TO YOU," Digital America, December 2, 2024

2017                            “STRANGERS COWBOYS,” Digital America, April 10, 2017




Eventide                                                                             2017 - Ongoing

Video Editor                                                             New York City, New York

  •  Develop, film, and edit videos for podcasts, performances, and social media

  •  Crea​te 2D and 3D motion graphics

  •  Color Correct Footage

  •  Lighting sets

  •  Manage a small team of interns

  •  Created style guide for videos

Topical Cream                                                                          2018 - 2023

Rx Studio Video Producer                                            New York City, New York 

  • Edited and produced Topical Creams' Rx Studio video series

  • Mixed audio and composed music

Peng Zuqiang, Artist                                                                          2020

Sound Designer                                                         New York City, New York

  • Created sound design for 3 of 5 videos in his video installation "Keep in Touch" 


School of the Art Institute of Chicago                                        Chicago, IL, USA

Master of Fine Arts in Film, Video, New Media, and Animation: May 2017

  • Writing Fellowship


Temple University, Tyler School of Art and Architecture               Philadelphia, PA, USA

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Sculpture: May 2015

GPA 3.9 - Graduated Summa Cum Laude

  • Edith Weil Hecht Memorial Award in Sculpture

  • Temple University Honors Program

  • Minor in Art History

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